Lock Eyes and Bear with Me

Bed Fellows : Sex Re-education, Tate Exchange, Level 5 Tate Modern Switch House. 20/10/2016 & 21/10/2016

Bed Fellows : Sex Re-education, Tate Exchange, Level 5 Tate Modern Switch House. 20/10/2016 & 21/10/2016

Bed Fellows : Sex Re-education, Tate Exchange, Level 5 Tate Modern Switch House. 20/10/2016 & 21/10/2016



Lock Eyes and Bear with Me, 2016
performed at Tate Modern

credits – Bedfellows: Sex Re-Education, made in collaboration with Tate London Schools and Teachers team, Tate Exchange, 2016, Seraphina Neville © Tate + Paul Maheke