What Flows Through and Across

What Flows Through and Across (15) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (18) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (12) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across performance (82) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (19) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (22) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (1) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across performance (44) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (26) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (29) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across (32) (1200px)

What Flows Through and Across performance (19) (1200px)


What Flows Through and Across, 2017
Assembly Point, London, UK

Video installation: HD video projected onto sheer fabric curtains (13:55 min), vinyl dance floor mat, digital prints on fabrics, aluminium fish tank, crystal candle wax, print on paper, glass shelves, resin, glass light fixtures and lighting devices, dried plants.

Review: Art Viewer
Installation views by Ben Westoby

« Everything started here.
This is exactly where the waters of my body first brought me to dance in my work.

As they recall what they’ve stored and stacked over the years, the waters also understand they are History. Information and knowledge stacked and stored, here in the watery core of a body that is also History. Be aware they won’t let you ignore the way they have stratified over time to record the raw quality of what has passed through them.

As they find themselves chatting you up, they realise how much they made my body wander the beaches in a relentless quest for understanding. Probably in the hope that the sea would speak to me, I didn’t disobey; oblivious to the feeling of being left exposed.

They now awkwardly echo Audre Lorde’s words; at the water seeking a place where her past and future intersect, she writes « I hear the water’s song, feel the tides within the fluids of my body »

The waters speculate about embodied History and stories that are also bodies, leaking into and sponging off of each other. They speculate about a metaphorical space where confinement and vastness interact. A space where the body they use as a container would expand beyond the borderzones of its membrane; set adrift while trying to grasp what flows through and across. »

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